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Growing Guide

Growing Zucchini

Zucchini (or Courgette) are easy and are a staple of every kiwi garden!

Growing Zucchini

Zucchini is an easy grow vegetable and perfect for first-timers. When starting Zucchini from seeds, it's best to start them off in an egg carton or seedling pot - sit on your windowsill and feed small amounts of water regualrly. Zucchini loves a warm sunny spot in the garden, with a well watered base so once Summer is most definately underway, transfer them to the garden. Zucchini plants are prone to mildew if planted too close together so ensure to give them about 50-80cm apart giving space for the leaves. Harvest in just 8-10 weeks when the vegetable is young, the longer you leave them the more they lose their flavour!

How to choose the best variety for you
Zucchini Seed Black Beauty
The fruit grows very quickly which makes for a bontiful harvest. A 1957 Award winner this early and prolific heirloom variety has been exceedingly popular for its very fard green skin and creamy white flesh.

Zucchini Seed Mixed Types & Colours
With a mixture of types and bright colours this is an exciting Zucchini variety. This mix will include Scallop types and the usual long, thin types

How to Sow
Choose a well-drained site in full sun. Sow these seeds in trays for subsequent transplanting or, after frosts, sow direct where to grow in a well-prepared seedbed. Sow in groups of 2-3 seeds, 1 metre apart and to a depth ahem

Care for seedling
Keep seedbed or trays evenly moist during the germination period of 7-14 days. Apply McGregor's FntitMax 2 weeks after germination for healthier plants and a maximum crop. Protect your vege garden from snails and slugs with McGregor's Snail and Slug bait and from White Butterfly with McGregor's Derris Dust.

Hints & Tips
To obtain the best harvest possible, pick fruits young. Unpicked zucchini/courgettes will grow into marrows.

14 March 2025