How to Grow Your Own Sprouts and Microgreens from Seed
Sprouts and microgreens are the recently germinated seedlings of herbs and vegetables. The tiny plants have many health benefits. Germination changes the nutrient and fibre profile of the seed, increasing vitamins C and B. Sprouting also neutralizes the phytic acid and lectin content, making the seeds easier to digest and absorb, and fats are used up, making them healthier.
Sprouts germinate form seeds which have enough energy to grow the sprout until it has produced its first leaves. The seeds do not need soil to germinate, they just need moisture.
The three thangs you need to produce your own sprouts are a container, the seeds and water. There is sprouting equipment available to purchase but you don’t need a special set up and there are things around your house that you can re-cycle and use.
Soak the seeds in water for 12 hours, drain and rinse. Sow indoors on damp kitchen paper in a tray or shallow container. Thoroughly cleaned plastic food packaging trays can be used. Lightly cover seeds with damp kitchen paper. Keep in a cool dark place.
Another method is to use a wide-mouthed glass jar with cheesecloth, muslin cloth, or a straining mesh secured by a rubber band over the opening along with its screw lid.
Seeds specifically marketed for sprouting are untreated and free of any chemicals or fungicides. The best seeds grow the best sprouts!
When your sprouts are ready, rinse them thoroughly with clean water and empty them onto a dry paper towel to absorb excess moisture and pat them dry - they will last longer if you remove most of the moisture before storing them. Keep them on a fresh layer of paper towels in an airtight container in the fridge. They are now ready to eat. Most sprouts will stay fresh for about a week, if kept cool.
14 March 2025